Thursday, March 5, 2015

Yes Please

I was able to finish this book fairly quickly. My boyfriend, who is my primary source of entertainment, is traveling for three weeks and I am left to my own devices (Kindle device, get it). Due to my lack of cable TV, a promise that to wait to watch House of Cards, and the conclusion of graduate classes, I am able to quickly continue my literature endeavors.

Yes Please by Amy Poehler

Genre: Non-fiction, autobiography, memoir, humor
Publication Date: October 2014

Another amusing celebrity memoirish book. But I absolutely love Amy Poehler, more than her brunette counterpart Tina. Parks & Rec is the best and I still credit the show for making Andy Dwyer (aka Chris Pratt) famous, for introducing America to Nick Offerman and Ron Swanson, and putting Aziz Ansari on camera weekly (because everybody loves RAAAAAAAANDY). And don't even get me started about Jean-Ralphio. Okay, that's enough gushing.

Amy's book is more comedy story than memoir. The story line follows her life, but the narration is from a blonde stoned peppy theater geek. She does break the humor at some points, like when she talks about divorce and childbirth, but the book is very good-natured and jovial. I don't know, it's hard to critique someone's memoir, because it's the author's life. I read the first half of the book in 32 hours, but the rest took some time. I think this would be a great read for aspiring comedians or anyone in Hollywood/show business. But I still enjoyed it.

Poehler name-dropped a lot, on purpose. There were a few sections where she told ridiculous stories that happened with famous people she is friends with. While funny, sometimes these stories seemed unnecessary and braggy. The only name I really cared about were Seth Meyers and Tina Fey (and one pranking involving Julie Louis-Dreyfus). This memoir actually made me want to read Seth and Julie's potential future memoirs.

Finished reading Wednesday, March 4th

DD's rating: A
Very entertaining. I love Amy Poehler, Parks & Rec, and SNL so this was a behind the scenes look into a comedy genius and female superstar. In my opinion, this book was better than Tina Fey's Bossypants because of its style - Poehler had friends and family author some parts of her book, like her mother and my megacrush Seth Meyers.

Next read: Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel. I got excited when I first saw the author's name, Mandel is similar to Mendel, the king of genetics, science nerd is happy... and I'm it's a book by another female!

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